Need help with desk and chair suggestion

25 Feb 2023
Hi all,

As part of my new gaming PC build, I am looking to change my chair and desk (both from IKEA).

I was looking for a chair that has foam-like armrests and lumbar support (SecretLabs Titan Evo), but this is not micro perforated and the NAPPA leather version is not available (I've asked on availability). All round, the Noblechairs Hero looks good but doesn't tick every box.

I am 6ft 2 and 90kg. What would a good leather chair be? Even the expensive chairs like Mavis and Herman Miller have downsides, looking at reviews. I am going to IKEA next week to try out chairs and view desks, although going by their website, there's none I really like (adjustable lumbar support is something I like).

Desk wise, the Secretlabs static desk looks good, with the cable management features etc. Apart from Halberd, are there any good alternatives? I don't believe many companies do desk pedestals now?
Go look at proper office chairs / desks; you'll get more for your money and your body will thank you. There's loads of videos up on Youtube about this subject.
Well as it hapens I went John Lewis to try a gaming chair (which I didn't like), and they had Herman Miller chairs which were amazing! So I will get a refurbed Milla or similar chair (there's another, similar model, can't remember name now). I did qjuite a bit of looking on Youtube.

Now for a desk....
Look for second hand Ikea Galant desks, they are modular and you can join them together to wrap around or extend them for example.
There are plenty of well-designed office chairs on that well-known auction site that are functional and look great as well as saving you from backache.
If you go down the proper office chair route, worth checking about for office refurb companies too. I picked up a relatively expensive ergo office chair which had been freshly reupholstered for around £100 compared to the £600 / 700 that it would have been new. These chairs are designed to keep people glued to a desk in (relative) comfort. I did the same for office desks too, sorted out both me and my partner with full size curved office desks, height adjustable and all that, from a company that did office clearances.
If you go down the proper office chair route, worth checking about for office refurb companies too. I picked up a relatively expensive ergo office chair which had been freshly reupholstered for around £100 compared to the £600 / 700 that it would have been new. These chairs are designed to keep people glued to a desk in (relative) comfort. I did the same for office desks too, sorted out both me and my partner with full size curved office desks, height adjustable and all that, from a company that did office clearances.
Yep since I only use office chairs my back issues were sorted
You've probably sorted this now but in our offices we have a few of the H&M Aeron chairs, proper workhorses and super ergonomic/comfy. Would say in the future I probably wouldn't shop around at all and just go straight to these to have again. In regards to desks we use the yo-yo desk brand pro 2. It's a yo-yo electric height adjustable desk, obviously in the office, this is convenient, standing when doing boring tasks (emailing, calls etc...). I'm not a massive gamer so unsure how you'd get along with this, suppose pretty subjective. Any how, I've linked FYI. Hope you've found your ideal set up!
Well as it hapens I went John Lewis to try a gaming chair (which I didn't like), and they had Herman Miller chairs which were amazing! So I will get a refurbed Milla or similar chair (there's another, similar model, can't remember name now). I did qjuite a bit of looking on Youtube.

Now for a desk....
I’m 6ft 2 and have a Mirra. I’m sure you’ll be happy with your choice!
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