Need help with finding new optical drive...

18 Sep 2007
My girlfriend has a Samsung X30 that is currently dieing on us... So far the optical drive has died and the laptop is becoming so slow I want to throw it out of the window.

Unfortunately I cannot re-install windows to speed it up as it won't let us do this from the external harddrive.

What I need to know is what optical drive I can install into it as the advice we had from somewhere was that this particular laptop would not accept a generic optical drive and we need to pay big money for a new one (which I think is bullsh*t). So if anyone can definately say a particluar drive will work, please let me know...

Also, if anyone knows what type of ram I can add to speed it up a bit too that would be wicked... :D


there are guides on the net that allow show you how to install XP from a USB flash drive.

have you tried searching on fleabay "samsung x30 dvd" or words to that affect?
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