need help with G3 Imac

13 Aug 2004
Hi all, today at the bootsale I took a chance and picked up a G3 Imac with 400 mhz processor for £5. Guy said it was working and when I brought it home and plugged in, I get nothing no LED on the power switch lit and no response from the switch.

I took it apart to have a look and at first I thought the switch might be faulty, so did away the switch on the front panel and used the small button on the power switch PCB with the LED. Still no boot.

I assume that there should be some standby light on the Imac when I turn on at the mains. then spring into life when pressed. I am assuming that it is a power problem, as when I switch on the mains, I get a little crackle sound on the capacitors by the power board like electricity is going to it for a split second.

Any help, as I got it so I could have a play around with the mac without spending a lot of money, but I guess I werent that lucky with my chance. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
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