Need help with satallite

16 Dec 2005
Halifax W'Yorkshire
Hey there,

Right my tv upstairs has a built in Freesat, has a satellite connection on the back.

Downstairs we have SKY HD.

And I don't know much about satellite dishes etc, but I know that if you have a quad LMB you can connect more cables into it etc to go to more devices am I right?

And iv just been looking at my sky dishes LMB from down below, I can see 4 holes where cables go in, heres some pictures:

So, would it be a simple case of buy some satellite wire, stick it in one of them holes then plug the other end into the back of the tv?

Also, I haven't been up to see if theres anything inside them 2 holes without wires in cant see from below, but if it would be a case of simply get some wire and stick it in then id check to see if it has any open connections first

Thanks :)
Bit if satellite cable & some F-Connectors and you should be good to go. It is basically as simple as you think it is.
Yeah, co-ax cable and F-connector for either end. The LNB has a slide down cover, slide it up and you will see the threads (just like on the back of your TV) for the connector to screw on.
Buy some WF100 satellite cable. It's the good stuff and not much more than "low loss coax" or RG6 Satellite coax commonly sold on Ebay and in DIY stores. Then add a couple of F connectors and some cable clips and you're in business.
Be careful not to knock the dish when you're attaching the new cables - worth just making sure the bolts are tight before you start any other work on it.

Also it's an LNB.
Guys, I went up the ladders to have a look at the dish, well, I was leaning over from 4 feet away as to look properly id have to move a massive tree in a plant pot, which I will when I get more time.

Anyway, how does it come apart so I can see inside the holes to screw stuff in? or to see if it even is possible to screw another lead into them

I didn't want to yank it and knock the dish, so I just took pictures

I think the bottom plastic cover slides up and exposes where the cable screws on.

Looks like you have space for 2 more cables.
As others have said, the bottom part of the box slides up in to the upper part; it's like collapsing a telescope. Once you do that it will expose the 4x F connectors, two of which will be free to use. When you have finished just pull the cover back down.
Thanks for the help so far guys,

The cable arrived today with F clips, 7 pound and free delivery from ebay, the cables quite amazing quality too its pretty thick, 25m cable it is.

So iv got it installed, I made the hole bigger in the wall where the tv arial cable went through to feed this through aswell, siliconed it up to seal it, plugged it into tv, Threw the cable over the house roof, (because its the bedroom tv im wiring up, sateleite dish is on the other side of the house), then I plugged it into the dish, was about 6m excess cable.

and Hurrar! 100% signal strength, 480 or so channels.

Now iv got a problem! :P

About only 50 of the channels I can actually view, all the others say no cl module? I have a lg 50PB690V TV, iv managed to go to the settings and turn off all the paid for channels so I only see the free channels.

But!,.. I thought freesat HD (which my tv has) id get bbc etc in HD? as I do when i use my regular old atenna arial on the roof.

So right now, theres actually no use for me to be using the freesat HD, SD channels are no better quality at all, and i don't get as many channels as Freeview HD with the antenna? im so confused lol.

So, how do i get HD channels and all the channels i used to get on freeview? as i currently get less channels with freesat.

Also, how do i view the paid for channels?

Thanks :)
Ohhhh iv just found something apparently freesat is Astra 28 or something it was set to 19? I don't know not clued up about this but it's re-searching for channels now and it's on 10% and it's already picked up a lot more channels and I ticked the skip paid for channels now :p
It's working now on Astra 28, got all hd freeview channels and lots of channels :p all is well! Got loads of duplicate channels tho will have to go through the program list and hide ones I don't want or need tho, will do that another day when I can be bothered :p but all is good now! Really satisfied, one hours work and 7 quid cable, can't go wrong
Its working like a charm, all the free sat channels and in HD etc im super happy with it.

But a question though, how do I get some of the paid for channels? like who do I ring up and ask to view them? or do I need to plug something into my tv to access them etc?

Is there a cheap 1 off payment way to access these channels etc?

Thanks :)
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