Need help with sony vegas and video editing!

16 Dec 2005
Halifax W'Yorkshire
Hey guys, right I have a question,

I want to create a video of a impossible lap time on this racing game to annoy my buddy whos obsessed with hotlapping.

I have a recording of in game, and iv recorded a lap of driving a track, then iv gone to a different track, and iv recorded a lap so that the lap time box in the top right shows a completed lap that's faster than iv done on the other video, and I want to overlay that box on the other video, then speed up the video if that makes sense?

So basically I want to speed up video 1, then overlay the laptime box of video 2 into the top right corner.

How will I do this please?


And also, this is purely just so hes like wtf :p I don't have hours to spend hotlapping to perfection haha.
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