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27 Dec 2017
i brought my PC last year and I loved it, but I’m starting dislike it. When I’m playing most off the time I would get the blue r set screen this has been happing for along time now but i was wondering if it might be because off my
Graphics card, I have a nivida 970 and it might need upgradeing. I’m only 14 and don’t know a lot about computers if any advice and what do do would be great and I’m willing to spend money to upgrade my computer
Sorry if I put the wrong tags in i just really want to get help!
PC specs
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @3.50 GHZ 3.50 GHZ
8.00GB RAM
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
970 Nvidia
Windows 10 home
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