Need movie recommendations - Tom Clancy type of movies

12 May 2005
Pretty much the title.

After recently starting to play thru the story mode of GRAW2, I felt like watching a few movies on a similar theme?

Can anyone recommend any? I have seen sum of all fears and hunt for red october.

I have seen a lot of war movies like saving private ryan and enemy at the gates, but any movies that are like Tom Clancy type of affairs ?
Patriot Games and Clear And Present Danger (both Harrison Ford).

Im guessing its Clancy as the character of Jack Ryan appears in both.
With the exception of 'Hunt for the Red October' (which I think is better than the book), all the Tom Clancy films have been rather poor. In fact they got so bad that even Ben Affleck got around to starring in one. Shudders...

If it's global/political/conspiracy/military films your after maybe try The Fourth Protocol. It's a bit 80's, but (my name is) Michael Caine is always watchable. I also really like 'By Dawn's Early Light', a made for TV remake of 'Failsafe'.

There are a lot more out there, but I've had a long day...
K-19: The Widowmaker, absoulte stonking film, loved every minute, russian sub movie.

Thirteen Days, cuban missle crisis.
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Lunatic Dreyfus said:
With the exception of 'Hunt for the Red October' (which I think is better than the book), all the Tom Clancy films have been rather poor. In fact they got so bad that even Ben Affleck got around to starring in one. Shudders...

In general I agree, although I though Patriot Games was quite good. The Sum of All Fears is also one of my least favourite of Clancy's novels so wasn't a great story to start with IMO.

The major problem is that Clancy has fairly convoluted plots (typically around 4-6 major locations/sets of characters) which is very hard to cram into a 2hr movie. I'm actually quite surprised a film hasn't been made of Without Remorse, as that is one of the most 'focussed' Clancy books and is crying out for a movie.

Failing that I reckon a 24-style series based on a Clancy book would work quite well - you'd get nearly 18hrs to build up the plot and characterisation.
Lunatic Dreyfus said:
I also really like 'By Dawn's Early Light', a made for TV remake of 'Failsafe'.

Yeah, with the incredibly hot Rebecca De Mornay. Shame it's not been shown on TV for nearly 10 years though.

Although on the Tom Clancy thread, I guess that they'll never make a film version of 'Debt of Honour' because of 9/11, which in turn rules out 'Executive Orders' from being made.
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