Need new battery - anything will do?

18 Oct 2002
I think I need a new battery - will test with a DMM soon (12.2V or more is what to aim for, right).

Any suggestions of makes to go for?

Does it make any difference? (In terms of how long the battery lasts, rather than giving me 10hp more ;))
An average battery lasts about 5 years.
Go to your local motor world or garage and they should be able to provide a free battery test.
Watch them do it though because they might lie so they can get a sale out of you!
The last battery i bought was an Exide one, it has a little green indicator on it that tells you how healthy the battery is.
I'm sure there are some that are better quality than others and hence will last longer but its pretty tough to find battery reviews on the net :)

On a side note, they're bloody expensive these batteries aren't they. Needed to replace mine the other day, went to Halfrauds, £55 for Christ's sake!
What car is this? The one I got for my 2.0 Rover coupe only cost 25 quid, and it was overkill.

Try places like Partco.
I managed to blag my old mans battery from his car before he traded it in ;) Mine had 1995 stamped on it :eek:
Most "free" battery test incorporate shorting the terminals with a spanner which would knacker it anyway. Then they sell you a new one..
Does it really do them damage? I had that done on my old battery, the thing he used was huge and put out a lot of heat!
yes it will do damage if done icorectly or for to long

the thing it will do is to finish off a batt that is a bit iffy

if you runn your car at a fast idle 2k test the volts on the batt you should get about 14.5 volts . indicats altenator is charging ok and earth con. is clean

next time you do a cold start put the headlights on first if the go out the batt is duff
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