Need new speakers. And possibly headphones.

17 Jan 2007
Right, I've currently got this set of speakers, but the thing which irritates me about them is the inability to control volume when headphones are plugged in.
Any recommendations for a 2.1 speaker system with a headphone jack, with the ability to control volume?
And/or, what about a decent set of headphones (<£50) with an in line volume control?
Uses: headphones mainly for gaming (so I don't disturb flatmates)
speakers- gaming/listening to music.

Also, using headphones when playing on Xbox Live- How on earth are you meant to use the headset and microphone unless you have three ears, or use in-ear earphones with the headset over the top?

Logitech z4 have the headphone socket on the remote with volume and headphones work even if it's switched off in standby.
That sounds good. Unfortunately, I am relatively inexperienced when it comes to sound, and there's quite a lot on the market.
What about 2.0 systems? What differences in sound quality are there between 2.1/2.0 speakers?
Also with regard to playing on xbox live, is there a way to use one headset for listening to the game as well as using for voice comm? Maybe something with the ability to plug in to the 360 controller as well as the 360s sound output?
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