Need new strings for my bass...



18 Oct 2002
Hi, I've been playing bass guitar for almost a year now and I think the strings need replacing (I got the bass second hand also, so the current strings have probably been on there ages).

I'm still very much a beginner so I dont want to spend loads on a set of strings, but would rather invest in some relatively decent strings I guess.

Can any recommend anything, and also where to buy them?? I would go to the local music shop round here but they are damn expensive and I'm a poor student :D

Oh it's a 4 string bass too.

Bass strings unfortunatly take a lot of metal to make so there rather expensive 15-20 quid for regular strings.

I use D'addario strings on my basses they strung with different guages depending on the sound i want. P bass is currently tuned in BEAD so has some heavy string on it i also tune it EADG for really big bold bass lines so i use 110-50 gauge on it. The jazz bass is tuned EADG always and i keep the strings light for a mellower tone there 100-45s althought i might go for 105 top string next time.

If you want the best long lasting bass string check out the teflon coated ones they last for ages because they don't pick up so much dirt but there about 30-35 quid:O If you can find some Sadowsky strings check them out if there as good as their basses they WILL be worth having. You can check them out for me i need to re string my basses.
OK thanks, £20 is fine, I'm still a little unclear though.

My bass is either tuned in standard or drop D depending on what im playing...(I mainly [try to] play Springsteen bass lines :D or stuff like Metallica etc

I've been looking at this site, which I found in the sticky STRINGS/DADDARIO/

Which would you recommend for me? I was thinking either the regular or the heavy from the D'Addario Nickel Plated Roundwound range...
I get my strings [well, the non-specialist ones, at least] from Great service so far.

The D'Addarios should fit your requirements, though I have read that they can be a bit stiff. If that concerns you, and you don't mind sacrificing a tiny amount of bottom end, go with the mediums over the heavy strings for improved flexibility and easier play.

While you're shopping for some strings invest in some sort of string cleaning - a Swipe cloth, for instance - to use after each playing session. Strings will definitely stay brighter for longer if you take care of them.
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