need online game

16 Jan 2005
i need an online game cant live without them at the minute though css isnt that good, never really been impressed with it. i still think bf1942 is the best game. so im going to try and buy one of these cod 2, battlefield 2 any other suggestions? which one has the biggest following and good clans?
just played cod2 demo and its looking like im going to buy it is the multiplayer better than the single player because the single player is really good
El_Watcher said:
My suggestion is Americas Army, brilliant FPS that has a huge player base (more than BF2 maybe), and it is completely free. Yes FREE. Much more of a comunity feel than BF2 because you don't respawn, you wait till the next round like CS, which gives you time to chat to other players.
thanks for the suggestion but ive tried aa and didnt really like it
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