Need quick advice for freelance PHP work

18 Oct 2002
Milton Keynes
I get a lot of work from a company outsourced to me, and they are asking for a re-brand of one of the systems I have already completed for a new client of theirs.

Basically I am in a dilemma as to what to charge them. As I know they will be charging what they charged the last company I did the system for, but they know the site is complete and only needs graphics / text changing.

So need to know what other freelancers would do in a situation like this. I don't wanna rip myself off and let them earn all the profit, but I don't want to sour the relationship I have with this company by charging them full whack either.

Can anyone offer any justification to them why I am not charging this project at an hourly rate?


Site A - 35 hours - £1000
Site B (rebrand) - 1-2 hours - £????

They supply all the graphics and I do the code, so they prob have as little work to redo as I do, but I know they are going to be charging at least double what I charged them in the 1st place (site A)

so yeah anyways... any help anyone can offer would be ace. dont want to come off as greedy, but don't want them to go make a shed load of money for my hard work either ;)

thx in advance! :cool:
as a freelancer, it's difficult to charge anything other than your time.. unless you have a license on your software (*hint*)

two options:

a) (£1000/35) * 4.

b) License Fee..
I see what you mean, but they wont be charging for their time either when they re-sell my work, as they have as little re-working to do as I do

In the contract they signed originally it said they could use any aspect of the site, only for the actual website it was intended for, ie not re-sell my code without my permission for their own personal profit
harsh one really but if you kick off they could just get somebody else to do it for 2-3 hours work

least this way if there are any mods you will get the work hopefully :)
who owns the software? more specifically, who owns the copyright? You, or them?

If it's them, you can count yourself lucky they are asking you to do the work at all, if it's you.. small claims court will need ringing if they refuse to full you the full license fee.
My advice is sell everything as a service, including your products. What I do is provide hosting with the website and therefore retain control over the code. Sometimes just having a licence agreement is not enough.

If they have no legitimate right to copy/sell on the code you wrote then you should be charging as if its a a completely new sale and at best, a bulk/discounted purchase.
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