Need recommends! (previously Samsung QE55Q70)

It's not a bad TV but I'm not sure what the price ends up being for you. My rule of thumb would be, if it's cheaper than a Sony XF90 or an LG B8, it's worth considering. If not, then absolutely not.

I'd advise you to read this thread from the owners of it and make up your own mind, most don't seem too thrilled with it for various reasons.

RTINGS' review:

The price ends up at £50 p/m, for 24 months so £1200 total.
Deal is off - it was a pricing mistake. This leaves me now needing a TV. I have upto £2k to spend, but saving cash is good too.

As much as I would love 65” I think it is just too big and the missus would kill me.

Any recent recommendations?
Gaming, Sky Q and Movies. Ideally no lag or motion issues !
Yes its an inherent risk with the technology. Personally I chose not to buy OLED for this reason.

I read up on it, and the substantial testing done by Rtings and surmised that burn-in won't be an issue for me so long as I don't use the TV for 8hrs+ a day, which we don't. Bought the TV from Richersounds, hopefully delivery soon!

Brilliant, thanks guys! It is ultra sharp and the detail is impressive. I'm noticing a little of the soap opera effect watching Ultra HD Netflix Guardians of the Galaxy 2; Groot and the Mutant at the start look quite artificial. Hoping it will bed in and i'll play around with the settings some more!

The anti-burn in features are quite impressive - Pixel Refresher happens when the TV is 'powered off', and it has Image-Shift which moves the image left and right by one pixel occasionally. After around 2-3mins of freeze frame, a particle effect screensaver takes over.
Everything is configured correctly now, and it looks spectacular! There is the slightest judder occasionally on panning shots but aside from that it is great!

I will eventually have to pick up a 4K BluRay player and I’ll likely pick up an ultra high speed HDMI cable too.
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