Need some advice for setup

11 Jul 2004

I am wanting to do some home video shooting, vacations etc. I was wondering what would be best speed wise, the new iMac's or a MBP ?

Also, does anyone own a Canon HV20 or the Sony Handycom HDR-SR7 ? I'm interested in the Sony HDR-SR7 as it has a HDD and the specs seem better than the Canon. The only thing putting me off is that it doesn't have a firewire port. Any advice on this ? Has anybody used either with a Mac ?

Thanks for the help !
Are you doing any straight-to-computer shooting? If so, FireWire will save you a lot of time and hassle vs. USB.

Nope, most likely will download video after a day of shooting. So it doesn't matter then if the Sony doesn't have Firewire ?

Thanks for the all the replies, it sounds like I should just get a MBP then, as I would like the mmobility.

What software would you recommend ? Should I just start off with whatever the Mac comes with, or do you recommend I buy an alternate package such as Final Cut ?
Hmmm yeah, a Macbook wouldn't really be suitable for me, I'd class myself as a power user, so I'd definately want a MBP. I like the idea of being able to add an external monitor as well.

So if there's not much speed difference between the iMac and MBP (given that I upgrade the MBP harddrive to 7200rpm), then the MBP definately is a more attractive option because of the mobility.

Would I need to get 4gb of RAM for the video editing, or would it not make much difference over having 2gb ?

Thanks for all the replies.
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