Need some budget studio headphones

23 Nov 2004
University requirement is that we have a pair of headphones for any computer-based work, can't be ear buds either.

I'd like to budget up to £30 ideally, £40 at a push.

Would really like some recommendations as I know diddly-squat about headphones!
There are some good ones at that price (at a push) by Audio Technica.

You've said computer-based work, not sure what that means. You'll have other things to consider e.g. closed/open etc.
Need to be closed, sorry. Just for when editting my stuff in Pro Tools, Logic etc. Nothing too fancy.
First closed phones I would reccomend are Audio Technica A500s, and they are out of budget.

Otherwise it's all fairly samey generic stuff.
We've been recommended to buy Sony MDR V150's and they're only about £15. So if there's anything like that?!
Ive got some Beyerdynamics DT231s that cover all your reqs and Ive always been very satisfied with them.
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