Need some electric guitarist input.

5 Aug 2006
Right, i have been playing guitar for a few months now. still learning but anyway. ive got a crapped out piece of junk guitar at the moment.. and now the connector for the amp is getting doggy, im sure i could probably fix it but i really cant be bummed for such a piece of dogs remain.

so a few questions,

for a begginer (if that makes any difference) is there anything wrong with getting a les paul style guitar becuase they look really nice. but the problem is ive only ever played ona gibson that cost like £700 in the shop so i dont know what a budget one is gonna be like..

now i realise im not gonna get anything great for <100 smackers but for the price what do people think of this

(sorry if they count as competitor, but last i checked ocuk didnt sell guitars anyway lol)

any advice would be great.

thank you

Thanks people. i will carry on thinking about it.

anyway, thank you :-) will let you know what i decide to do. and if i do buy it or anything ill let you know how it turned out!


Im tempted i must admit - but this sounds really poor reason. but i just love the look and feel of a les paul style. ive decided i am going to buy it - throw some money in the bank tomorrow and hopefully have it by next week :-)
yeah, well even if its sounds a tad naff as i said, looks lovely in my eye and feels lovely - and for £80 im not going to cry if i replace it in a few months :-)
well, after natwest wanted to charge me £18.50 for making a transfer in euros to germany they got told where they can shove it and i've had to cancel the order - looking on the old bay and stuff now :-) bidding stupidly low on some nice guitars - if i win. fantastic if not just gives me more time to save up for a nicer-er-er-er one :-)


Well - i orderd a fairly cheapish les paul styleee one of the bay. but its arrived safe and sound and despite it not being the bees knees all i can say is

"omg im in love"

10x more plesant to play than my old one. humbuckers sound infinatly better imo. love it to bits.

noticibly shorter kneck than my old guitar - but im not complaining. oh and a lot easier to string up aswell :-)

i was a bit put of at first, but i replaced the strings with my own stupidly slinkey (8-36's iirc) strings and its sounds so much better. just practising some muse on it now =]
Sweetloaf said:
That headstock is crying out for a Gibson decal :D

aha, thats what i said. pass it off at 5x its value ;-)

but anyway, plays nice - wish it was white plastic instead of cream - but still happy never the less.

thanks for all the advice peeps


Its only on loan until i can get my own, but i've got given this Roland amp and boss "metal zone" mt-2 fx peddles. both very nice - if not a little old and ragged lol :o

it beats the peice of crap in the background of this pic eh ;)



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