Need some Flash help - Media Playback

5 Aug 2003
I've been working on this site and have now got some of the client's footage so I've started adding it, most of the videos are .swf files because I've only just realised you can use .flv files and use the media components of flash :rolleyes: lol

Now the problem I'm having is that a video will continue playing back even after you have left the page so you can still hear the audio and you can't load another video, to see what I mean click on the top middle picture in the montage, you will see the video play back nicely but when you click the back button you can still hear the audio. Anyone know how to stop or unload the video that is playing back, must be some sort of action script I can use?
They are being pulled from external files, the one video I'm having problems with though is the one thats linked to the top middle picture as I've set this up to play in a MediaDisplay component and it's controller using the MediaController component but I can't work out why the video will continue to play in the background after you've gone to another page.
Well if you are loading from external files you can unload the movie from the level its being loaded into when you click some of the other content.

Use the flash help files and look up unloadMovie () function. If the videos are loaded into a level use unloadMovieNum () if not use unloadMovie ().
Wouldn't I use unload movie to unload an swf file though, the video that uses the Media components in Flash is an flv video, which is specified in the parameters for the MediaDisplay, the videos that are in swf format stop by themselves if you click another object but then I don't have any function buttons because they just play as a movie
Right I've managed to get the video to stop when you hit the back button but I now need to find a way of stopping the video when you click one of the buttons at the top of the page (home, cv, showreel etc), how would I go about doing this because the montage of videos is a seperate swf file in itself, is there a way of linking into it somehow and issuing the stop command?
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