Need some FPS/RPG recommendations

11 Jan 2011
I've been getting back into PC gaming again the past two months, the games I've played/completed are:

Battlefield Bad Company 2
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline
Titanfall 1 & 2
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty World at War

Currently trying to play Witcher 3 but I can only play for a hour before I get tired of it even though it is a great game!

I installed Dragon Age: Inquisition yesterday and have played a bit, while it does look looks like a lot of effort to play.

So are there any good FPS games like Battlefield & Titanfall 2 that you would recommend?

And are there any simple RPG games out there that don't require a lot of effort and time investment to get into/progress? I would love to play something like WoW but offline (but I've already played enough of that).
I would suggest witcher over inquisition if you decide to get in to one or the other! Not that either are bad but Witcher 3 really moved the RPG forward imo. It can be a bit dense mind, I struggled to stick with it but I have recently jumped back in!

I'll check back as I'm after some RPGS too! Have you considered Diablo 3? Great fun and not too in depth on the face of things
I like how you are too lazy to play good videogames :D

I would recommend something but the truly great games simply require some mental+time investment. Games like Prey, STALKER series, Dishonored series..
Dirty bomb is free give it a can earn all chars from just money is even needed.great under rated game many still play it daily.
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