Need some help choosing canalphones

8 Nov 2005
I've been using various pairs of Sennheiser CX400s over the past year or so and my most recent pair have unfortunately gone kaput, due to a stupid mistake by me involving a glass of water.

I'd love to replace them with another set but there's one thing that really bugs me about them - the way they are cabled up.

I'm used to earphones having a cable that wraps around the back of your neck (for reference I used Sony EX71s for years) and this 'Y' arrangement of the Sennheisers gets right on my wick. You've got to use this stupid little clamp to pin them on your shirt so they don't just dangle around when you pop them out of your ears.

So, are there any brands that sound as good, if not better, than the Sennheisers but that also feature the 'wrap around' cable arrangement that I so desire?

In terms of sound quality, the large majority I listen to is uncompressed. Either ripped from CD or mixed from vinyl. I rarely listen to MP3 unless it's a podcast of some sort. And pretty everything I listen to is some sort of dance or electronic music, so I'm looking for 'phones that will give me the rich sound I desire. I appreciate the Sennheisers I've been using might not be ideal for that, but they've served me well so anything equal or better would be fine.

As for cost, I wouldn't really want to spend any more than £100 unless I could try them out beforehand. Last thing I want to do is shell out for a set of 'phones that don't sit in my ears properly. I think I lucked out with the Sennheisers and that design (canal not IER) works well.

So, over to you. Any assistance will be gratefully received!

PS. I had my eye on both the iSkin Cerulean X1 and the Sennheiser CX 95 but I think both have the Y-shape cable arrangement?
Argh, that's such a shame. And thanks for putting a name to my ramblings - I'll remember the term J-cable now!

The only issue I have with 'phones like the is how the cables are routed. I usually wear my 'phones when I'm out and about, doing the shopping and stuff like that, and don't like the idea of having to 'pop' them out and dangle them over my ear when I want to have a conversation with someone.

But you've given me food for thought. Thank you.
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