Need some help in Sin Episodes:Emergence

14 Jul 2005
***Spoiler Warning***

So i'm a bit stuck at the part where you meet the very attractive big monster thing, the one with the huge boulder-like fists. I jump out of the tunnel and see him land, hear the radio transmission telling me to use the plasma thing on the magnum. I use that up but then the monster thing is still alive :confused: I then carry on shooting him/her with my shotgun but he doesn't die. By that time i have no life and end up getting killed to death from him pounding into me (:p) :(

Anyone like to share any hints/tips?

BTW, did anybody else get scared by the mutants? They remind me of the trigens in FarCry :D


There are ammo and health boosters iirc at the left and right hand sides as you leave the tunnel and a wall mounted health canister on the very far wall opposite the tunnel exit.
Just keep shooting with all you have.
The secondary fiare of the pistol will just stun him, useful for stopping him doing that rock throwing thing at you.
Thanks for the replies, i think i'll go right and give him further to chase me. I've tried topping up on health but i end up getting stuck there with him hitting me.
let him charge you and sidestep him.

Quick spin round and pop a secondary fire magnum shot in is behinedus and he falls fairly quickly :)
I had loads of ammo saved up (I tend to hoarde it in most games) which helped here, he took loads of hits, I mean full magnum ammo, full grenades etc and then pumping him full of shells.

There is no lame contrived gimmick required to killing him (a welcome change from bosses in many games), you can literally just keep shooting him until he drops.
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