Need some help looking for something... (Southampton/Hampshire peeps in here please!)

18 Oct 2002
Southampton, Hampshire
hey guys,

Im looking for a magazine called DV8, (specifically, the March edition). Its supposedly free afaik which i think makes it harder to track down. Does anyone know where i can pick up a copy? Ive tried the usual like newsagents etc. but its no go... i heard on the grapevine that theres the odd copy in the hairdressers but i cant just walk into a woman's salon and nab a copy... that would just be plain rude :p

can anyone help? there'll be a drink or something in it for you if you can :p

Garrett said:
I live in Hants, vaguely remember this, I'll keep an eye out for it, its not a student mag or something is it?

thanks! its aimed at 18-35's according to the website. more of a clubby/pubby sort of magazine (you know, pics of people having fun, best places to go etc etc)

the only reason i ask is that some woman took my photo along with a mate waaay back at the beginning of the month and i reluctantly said yes. (took some persuasion!!) :o anyways, i totally forgot about it until last night when a woman comes up to me (i know her but not very well) and says she saw me in the mag whilst she was waiting to have her hair done! i dont know who was more surprised, me or her! so... i now need to see it for myself :p

(...and whether i need to go round destroying all the copies cos its a bad pic :o :p)
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