Need some help!

28 Nov 2003
Manchester, UK
Appreciate it if anyone can give me some idea here about what could be wrong.


Abit KR7A-Raid
Athlon XP 2000
512MB DDR 2100
Geforce Ti4200

The above pc doesnt seem to be working. Iv taken it all apart so just the above components are connected, once I plug the PSU in and switch it on, an orange light on the motherbaord comes on, however it doesnt boot up.

I have tried everything I can think off, and its the same every time... the motherboard doesnt boot up. Is it dead? Or have I possibly missed something :confused:

Its driving me mad, just cant figure out for the life of me whats wrong :mad: :)
semi-pro waster said:
Have you tried building it outside the case to make sure there are no shorts? It quite possibly is dead but it may also be worth resetting CMOS in case there is an incompatible setting stored there.

Yes iv taken it out of the case, i had no other choice since everything else I tried was unsuccessful!

I cant figure out how the motherboard can be dead. The original motherboard in the PC was an Abit KT7 with 512MB PC133 ram, that motherboard did die however, this motherboard was a spare one which I had. I picked up the DDR ram yesterday for it, and its not booting up at all. The light is coming on however, does that mean it could still be dead?
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