Need some new bass strings, too many choices.

20 Feb 2004
Blyth, Northumberland
I should really replace the strings on my bass but there are far too many options for my tiny, inexperienced brain to take in all at once :)

All I know for sure is that I need 4 of them and that the ones I've had in the past were "medium". I'm not sure what "medium" means other than it relates to the number printed on each string (45, 65, 85 or 105). I suppose what I need is to know what the difference is between the "light", "medium" and "heavy" strings, I know that 45 is G, 65 is D, 85 is A and 105 is E but if I change to a "heavy" or "light" set of strings how will this effect the instrument's sound.

I'm also not sure what a "good make" is, is it a case of "you get what you pay for" or is there a make that's regarded as the "favoured" one and is there a particular type of coating that lasts longer or produces a clearer and/or deeper sound?

Sorry for all the confused questionning but this is the first time I've thought about changing from "standard" strings and would like to make a more educated guess when I go to town on saturday for a new set :)
I always liked the lighter gauge as you can bend them easier and further. Sound wise well I'm not sure they might sound slightly brighter but that could be brand as well.

I used various brands but not the cheapest.

Standard (medium) is usually 40-60-80-100 if memory serves me correctly, light is usually 5 lower, and heavy the other way. But different companies do different mixes of gauges.
I use Rotosounds on both my basses, although lately i've found that Roundwound strings really aren't my thing so when I get some money together, im upgrading both my basses to Flatwound strings.

The weight of a string is usually given a word instead of a number (unlike guitar strings). Medium strings are bog standard string which are fine. Some people prefer Lighter strings for funk since they're great for slap bass and metalers tend to go for heavier strings because they give a fuller sound and like picks more.

But yeah, just got for medium rotosounds, they'll be fine
Gauge: [Extra-]Light, Medium, Heavy
It's a tradeoff between fullness of sound and playability/'bendability'. Lighter gauges, being slightly more flexible, are easier to fret, bend, hammer, pop and slap BUT will give you less at the lower frequencies [a thinner sound]. Conversely, heavy gauges will sound bigger, fuller and punchier but require more effort to play. As probedb pointed out, though, gauges vary slightly with manufacturer - there is no set industry standard 'heavy' or 'light' gauge.

Plating: Stainless Steel / Nickel
Stainless steel-plated strings tend to be more 'zingy' than the nickel variety, and are a little more hard on your fingers [and, it is disputed, on your frets]. This zingy, bright tone tends to disappear quite quickly, however.

Nickel-plated tends to retain an even tone throughout the life of the strings moreso than steel, though; and is easier on the fingers.

You can also get gold-plated and plastic-coated strings, but I've not used these.

Construction: Roundwound / Flatwound / Ground- or half-wound
Roundwound strings are constructed, as the name may suggest, by wrapping cylindrical wire around the central core to form the outer surface of the string. Roundwounds are far and away the most common strings, as they have a brightness and clarity that can't be obtained from other construction methods. Downsides? They're a bit tougher on frets [and especially fingerboards on fretless basses - though in my opinion they sound great on fretless] and fingers, and you do get a bit more of that squeaky finger/string noise.

Flatwounds use flattened rather than cylindrical wire wrapped around the core, and are normally found on fretless basses as they won't damage the fingerboard as much as roundwounds. Their sound is less bright; more warm and 'thumpy', which is why they're sometimes put onto fretted basses to achieve a mellow 'vintage' bass sound.

Groundwounds are a halfway solution between rounds and flats, in that they're constructed as roundwounds and then the outer surface is ground and polished to near-flat levels. As you may expect, they offer more bite than flatwounds but less than roundwounds. Not often seen but they have their uses.

Halfwounds achieve a similar compromise to groundwounds, only the wire used to wrap around the core has an elliptical cross-section [as opposed to the circular cross-section of roundwounds]. Again, rarely seen or used.

Regarding makes of string, chances are you'll find Rotosound Swing Bass and Elite Stadiums in shops - these are solid, dependable, quality strings that should see you right [though I personally find Elites to be a bit rough on the fingers]. If you can get hold of some DR strings [Lo-riders, Hi-Beams, Sunbeams] then I thoroughly recommend them - their Marcus Miller Signature set are the best strings I've ever used, bar none.

A word on string longevity: it may be obvious, but don't forget to wipe down your strings after each playing session. Also, occasionally clean them by dunking them in isopropyl alcohol for a day [It's better than boiling them in water].

Oh, and don't forget that putting on a new set of strings - especially ones of a different gauge - will mean that you have to adjust the saddle heights, pickup heights, intonation and neck relief.

Jeez, long post. Hope that helps :)
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