need some rice based dishes to last a week.

13 Jan 2006
so i went to cosco the other day and came out with 5kg of rice thinking i will make loads of stuff with this.

turns out i could only make currys :p

so i need some recipes for rice bases stuff like the rice flavours stuff u buy in packs that are a meal in them selves.

need to make a weeks worth and be able toput in fridge then mircowaved the following days.
any suggestions?

rice and peas? usually served with west indian curried goat, but is really yummy by itself

rice and peas

1 medium sized can red kidney beans
1 medium can of mixed beans or black eyed peas
1 can coconut milk
2 cups of rice
1 small onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1 table spoon oil
1 scotch bonnet pepper (whole, do not chop up)

Drain the liquid from the cans of beans into a measuring cup and add the can of coconut milk and enough water to make four cups of liquid. Place liquids in a pot with beans, onions, garlic, thyme and oil, bring to a boil. Add rice and stir for a minute. Reduce heat to Medium-Low. Place scotch bonnet pepper on top of liquid and cover tightly for 30 minutes or until rice is cooked. Remove scotch bonnet pepper before serving.
This recipes can also be made using other peas.

also when rice is cooked remove lid and let cool down for at least 30 mins. stirring every now and then.
at first the rice will look quite wet, but after 30 mins it will be dry but creamy
sweet n sour
egg fried rice <- use cooked, dry rice, e.g. in the fridge
Chicken and mushroom
Stuffed peppers
rice pudding
rice salads, e.g. chicken, tomato, ham
peas + egg
rice and peas? usually served with west indian curried goat, but is really yummy by itself

rice and peas

1 medium sized can red kidney beans
1 medium can of mixed beans or black eyed peas
1 can coconut milk
2 cups of rice
1 small onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1 table spoon oil
1 scotch bonnet pepper (whole, do not chop up)

Drain the liquid from the cans of beans into a measuring cup and add the can of coconut milk and enough water to make four cups of liquid. Place liquids in a pot with beans, onions, garlic, thyme and oil, bring to a boil. Add rice and stir for a minute. Reduce heat to Medium-Low. Place scotch bonnet pepper on top of liquid and cover tightly for 30 minutes or until rice is cooked. Remove scotch bonnet pepper before serving.
This recipes can also be made using other peas.

also when rice is cooked remove lid and let cool down for at least 30 mins. stirring every now and then.
at first the rice will look quite wet, but after 30 mins it will be dry but creamy

I make this quite often, but the leftovers went mouldy after a couple of days being in the fridge :(
Kedgeree. I think it's normally made with basmati rice but most rices will do. It's basically curried smoked haddock with rice, very nice. Goes delicious with a poached egg. There a plenty of recipes online, I found I needed to make it at least three times until I got it perfect.
its basmati rice.

mite try the rice and peas thx

the lentils and rice also sounds good bar the lentils part :p

will replace that with chicken me thinks.

thx for suggestions.
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