Need some sig help..

9 Aug 2004
Milton Keynes
Hmm, was a little bored so I tried making a picture sig using the faces of my two sons.. however its turned out pretty rubbish looking due to my noobism and paint! So the one i tried is bellow how do i get the pictures to look better quality??


If anyone wants to have a go the orginal files are..

Michaels Pic 1.4mb
James Pic 1.5mb

Tanks for any help.. i suck :(
Thats brilliant just wondering could you go over the basics of how you did it or point me to a website that would tell me..

Cheers once again!!
I got PhotoShop Pro 7 somewhere is that the same as Photoshop?

If so i wouldnt mind having the file to hae a play with if its not too much trouble
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