Need suggestions for a new SFF.

8 Jan 2005
I'm getting fed up with my Aopen EZ-18 that I use for my media PC; the stock HSF sucks (I'm always getting the overheat alarm and having to power off) so I'm looking to replace it.

Option 1 is to replace the HSF, don't think this will be viable given the room in the case, but if anyone has done this then suggestions are welcome.

Option 2 is a new case. Preferably Socket A again so I can keep all the same bits, decent stock HSF, onboard gfx, net, sound, and two PCI slots (I want toadd a second tuner). It needs to look half decent and be reasonably quiet as it sits in my lounge next to the tv.

Any suggestions? I gather shuttle's have pretty good cooling and although I've always steared away from them because of price, I guess getting a Socket A box means ebay so any suggestion is a good one!

Just found out I can get an SFF from a colleague for free to keep me going, so any new one I buy now must have 2 x PCI. I'm also open to mini-tower solutions assuming they look nice. :p I know 2 x PCI on an SFF is a tall order.

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gushy you could make your own up with cases like the..


Aspire X-Qpack Cube
Silverstone Sugo Evolution
Antec NSK1300 ATX Cube Case
Antec Aria Micro ATX Cube Case
X-Cube with window & without
Chenming Cube Case
Hoojum Cubit Case


yes there abit bigger in size to the shttles qbics and aopen sff cases
but not by that much.

they all use mATX mother boards and most them come with 3 pci slots

other sff case makes

Shuttle XPC SFF Small Form Factor
Biostar SFF Small Form Factor
MSI Mega PC SFF Small Form Factor
Aopen SFF Small Form Factor
ABIT SFF Small Form Factor
Soltek QBIC SFF Small Form Factor
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Biostar 210V is still available and quite cheap too. My wife has one and it's having no problems coping with the current heatwave.
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