Need to clean up my data.

24 May 2011
West Sussex
I currently have a 500GB HDD but im going to be upgrading speed and downgrading size to 256GB SATA2 SSD.

I Have 150GB used space at the moment but id like to try and clean some stuff out. I think i have junk leftover from apps i have downloaded and deleted from a while ago but i don't know where to look really.

Basically im looking for tips to clean up space. Thanks
Empty trash can.

Clear out downloads folder.

Grab a demo of daisy disk will let you visualise where and what is using your space.

Grab a demo of CleanMyMac, again helps visualise what you might be able to free up then use the free Onyx.

Use something like Singlemizer to find and remove duplicates.
If i use singlemizer to delete duplicates, how does it know which one to delete? surely i could end up with a file in a differnet location to where i would normally find it and it could be impossible to find?
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