Need to learn about networking

1 Nov 2007
I've got a reasonable idea about TCP and UDP but things that I don't know about are things like routing. Also I want to join RIPE so I can get allocated a block of IPv6 addresses. I'm not sure what the situation is with IPv4 addresses but I know you can rent them. I assume you'd need to associate them with your ASN number. I need to learn about BGP.

There loads of things I don't know so I was hoping people could recommend some books for me to read.
I give CCNA books away many moons ago. A kid a lot younger than me was getting into it and after I finished a course I didn’t bother selling them. Just give them away.

You can pick up YouTube videos on stuff exactly what you have mentioned. Take a peak.
Thank you. I'll have a hunt around YouTube.
Thank you!

I'm thinking of using QEMU to simulate a real network to get to grips with things. Does this sound like a reasonable idea?
Why? You can use the private IP4 ranges to test and try most things

Again Why? Unless you've a specific need for it, then it's more of a specialist thing than a helpful day-to-day networking skill

Unless you've an actual need for them or are going to use the skills you learn, then it's often hard going to learn things (especially with such specialist and "dry" reading such as BGP)
Thank you for the reply.

Regarding RIPE it is my understanding that you need an ASN in order to advertise an IPv6 block. Plus I'd like to rent an IPv4 block and advertise that on my network as well. If I'm wrong please correct me!

Learning about BGP because of the above.

I'll still keep a look out for some books.
Learn the basic fundamentals and theory first, before jumping straight into labs - start at the beginning, learning by lab is never the best way.

Otherwise you'll likely jump straight into the deep end, without fully understanding the layers properly, get confused and probably give up.

Read the books, cement the fundamental knowledge - then think about doing labs later once the basics are nailed down.

I used to teach the Juniper advanced routing and JNCxx courses professionally, so I know a thing or two about this topic :)
Thank you very much for your reply. Based on advice above the CCNA books are the ones I should be getting. Do you have any additional book suggestions?
Not really,

The CCNA has been around for the best part of 20 years now, one of the reasons for this is that Cisco has always been one of the best at teaching the fundamentals. You could learn the CCNA properly, then you'd be setup for doing network engineering in whichever speciality you wanted, be on Cisco, Juniper, Cumulus - or whatever.

Data centre, Wireless, Service-provider, automation etc, someone who knows the fundamentals well, will be able to understand the more advanced concepts later - because most network engineering principles rest on the simple, basic fundamentals you learn in something like a CCNA.

If you're learning the CCNA - there isn't really much else I'd recommend, as you run the risk of being one of those people who has spent £500 on books, but doesn't really know anything ;) so long as what you've ordered is the current or up to date version.

There are a lot of "old" CCNA books out there, from when the topics have changed (and it's changed a lot over the years) so as long as you have a modern version - there will be more than enough to keep you going.
Thank you. Much appreciated!
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