Need to match some XMS Corsair sticks.

29 Dec 2005
I have two 2x512 Corsair XMS3500 (Part No. CMX512-3500C2)

These are in a DFI NF4 Lan Party Ultra board, non SLI. I have them overclocked to 220mhz, and my A64 3500 is running at 2420mhz.

I need to match these modules and am unsure if the current XMS on overclockers would be an exact match. I need to get up to 2gb as with some video editing and photo editing it would help. Well, RAM never hurts for anything.

Also curious if the 4 slots populated would lead to any instability with my overclock, which has been stable for nearly 10 months now.

Oh 1st post, Long time lurker, been a customer for years.
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