need to open a series of files and "find + replace" the same thing in all..

21 Oct 2002
Parts Unknown
ok, basically i've got this now..

and want them all to look like this..

so basically i need to

open a series of .htm files
1 remove <h2>*.</h2>
2 replace 'Previous' with <img src="previous.png" alt="previous" width="20" height="20" border="0">
3 replace 'Home' with <img src="home.png" alt="home" width="20" height="20" border="0">
4 replace 'Next' with <img src="next.png" alt="next" width="20" height="20" border="0">
save (same filename)

can someone help me with this? i'm used to using batch files, but only on the filenames etc themselves, never the content..
Got a linux box handy?

Stick all the files in a folder, put the below in an executable file in the same folder and run it.
for i in `ls *.htm`
sed -in 's/<h2>.*<\/h2>//g' $i
sed -in 's/Home/<img src="previous.png" alt="previous" width="20" height="20" border="0">/g' $i
sed -in 's/Previous/<img src="home.png" alt="home" width="20" height="20" border="0">/g' $i
sed -in 's/Next/<img src="next.png" alt="next" width="20" height="20" border="0">/g' $i
echo "$i search and replace complete."
sweet, that would do just the file in the subfolder that its contained in yeah?

-would prefer to do it on a pc, so i can keep the whole site on my usbkey, so if anyone can convert that to .bat, i'd really appreciate it
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My batch file knowledge is pretty rusty, but get sed for windows:

and try something like:
for %%i in (*.htm) do sed -in 's/<h2>.*<\/h2>//g' %%i
for %%i in (*.htm) do sed -in 's/Home/<img src="previous.png" alt="previous" width="20" height="20" border="0">/g' %%i
for %%i in (*.htm) do sed -in 's/Previous/<img src="home.png" alt="home" width="20" height="20" border="0">/g' %%i
for %%i in (*.htm) do sed -in 's/Next/<img src="next.png" alt="next" width="20" height="20" border="0">/g' %%i

The exact formatting of the sed command is probably different, but the -i switch (make changes in the original file) is key.
thanks for your help lads

will be done one hundreds of pages per month, so don't want to be doing find + replace, but good tip dave :)
I recommend using a scripting language like PHP rather than having a separate HTML page for each image. You could load up all the files in the directory into an array and generate the Previous and Next buttons from that.
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