Need to replace my Powerbook with a new Laptop

7 Oct 2003
I bought a Apple Powerbook G4 Titanium a couple of months back off the buyers market. While i really like Mac OS X and the powerbook itself i have noticed the hinges are starting to break (a known problem with powerbook titaniums) of cause i didn't know this when i bought it

So i'm hooked on having a laptop but can't afford a new Powerbook i've decided to get a Windows lappy and have a max budget of £800 for a brand new one.

My requirements.

Must be portable and fairly light, good looks too
15.4" Widescreen with good resolution and clarity
54g WiFi built in
80gb Hard Drive at least
DVD burner

I will be mainly be using it to surf the net, Download overnight (quiet) and play games etc.

I would like something that would be able to play Counterstrike Source at a resolution of 1024x768 with 2xAA and decent framrate.

Can anybody recomend a laptop for me?
Doug said:
You can replace the hinges for about 20 quid. Have a google.

The problem is there a nightmare to do and you end up damaging your case as you have to pry the back off the screen :(

Sending it off to apple is very expensive :eek:

When i say i want to run Counterstrike i do actually mean source and all other games on my steam account like DOD:S and HL2 etc. While i'm not certain i do believe it requires a little more grunt than intergrated graphics can provide.


I'll try and post some pics later/tomorrow but the hinges are only just starting to go and i'm being very careful with, trying not to open or close it much.

It's a shame really as its a great machine and if it wasn't for these damn hinges i would be buying a bigger hard drive and extra memory for it :(
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