I've put up with a relatively noisy PC for a few months now, and while I've got some cash I'd like to try and make it as quiet as possible. Heres how it is setup at the moment:
Asus P5ND2-SLi
Pentium D 3.0Ghz (with a Zalman CNPS7700)
1Gb Corsair PC5300
XFX GeForce 7800 GT EE (bought a ArticCooler but its not compatible with the EE doh!)
4 x Hard Drives
Thats all packed in a Black Widow with a Tagan EasyCon PSU, fan-wise I've got:
1x SilenX 80mm on the top
2x SilenX 80mm at the front
1x Evercool 80mm at the back.
I really wasnt impressed with the SilenX, they really didnt seem to make any noticable difference to the stock CM ones I had in there. These were bought about 12 months ago.
What are my options to make it quieter than it is at the moment? Obviously after my ball's up with the GFX Card cooler Im on the hunt for another one, suggestions appreciated! Is it possible to get a quiet PC with all those 80mm fans about the place?
If push comes to shove I could probably get a new case, but would this help my situation in any way?
Anyway, any hints and tips would be really appreciated!
Asus P5ND2-SLi
Pentium D 3.0Ghz (with a Zalman CNPS7700)
1Gb Corsair PC5300
XFX GeForce 7800 GT EE (bought a ArticCooler but its not compatible with the EE doh!)
4 x Hard Drives
Thats all packed in a Black Widow with a Tagan EasyCon PSU, fan-wise I've got:
1x SilenX 80mm on the top
2x SilenX 80mm at the front
1x Evercool 80mm at the back.
I really wasnt impressed with the SilenX, they really didnt seem to make any noticable difference to the stock CM ones I had in there. These were bought about 12 months ago.
What are my options to make it quieter than it is at the moment? Obviously after my ball's up with the GFX Card cooler Im on the hunt for another one, suggestions appreciated! Is it possible to get a quiet PC with all those 80mm fans about the place?
If push comes to shove I could probably get a new case, but would this help my situation in any way?
Anyway, any hints and tips would be really appreciated!