Need Two Piece Leathers For Summer Riding...

22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
... what would people recommend? Just want the jacket and trousers, not an all in one jobbie.

Not got money coming out my @rse so, need something that's in priority order:

  1. Safe with armor in elbows, shoulders, knees and possibly a back plate?
  2. Black/Red/White In Colour,
  3. Lots of air flow (or reflective stuff I've seen around), been sweating buckets in textiles this week,
  4. £250 for Jacket and £200 for trousers tops,
  5. ... OR... I don't go for matching race type and go for a cool looking leather like Triumph or something? Not sure it'll go with a bright yellow bike though ROFL. Hence why i was thinking Black/White with some red or something? I don't know... what every one else got?
Anyone know of anything that hits all the above or any other ideas?
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Don't worry too much about good airflow, summer doesn't hang about for long :D

In all honesty I'm not sure what gear I would get. Probably a good set of textiles lol :p

This reminds me of people in motors asking for advice on snowchains on the one snowy week we might get each year.
Don't worry too much about good airflow, summer doesn't hang about for long :D

In all honesty I'm not sure what gear I would get. Probably a good set of textiles lol :p

This reminds me of people in motors asking for advice on snowchains on the one snowy week we might get each year.

Hahaha, no it's not that... not only will I be blasting over the Sweden later in the year, I'm doing a 2 week 3,500-4,000 mile tour next year in Europe which means high temps... just want thwe option of when it's miserable I'll go textiles and when it's nice go leathers...
i dont rate frank thomas stuff at all. Poor quality for the money.

I love my Revit textiles, but i dont wear leather on the road, dont see the point if you have good textiles. Hein gericke might have some decent deals on some old stock, picked up a few bargains in there before.
If you are going 2 piece then make sure you get Trousers & jacket with a 360 zip.
If you're on a budget, take a look at the RST gear. I got the RST Slice jacket, think the RRP is about £190. The leather bottoms are £130 without sliders and £160 with. No complaints from me so far.
I came off at 30 with RST 2 piece... maybe I landed on particularly rough tarmac but both top and bottom were written off. Didn't go through but burst seams easy. Disappoint. Is my opinion :)
I have Arlen Ness now. Though it cost about twice as much and yet to test it :/.
Depends on the off, how fast you're traveling, surface you come off on. I had leathers survive a slow speed off and they were perfectly usable afterwards. I don't use that set anymore mind you because I have a nice Arlen Ness once piece.
This is the 2nd thing I've read about RST that's not instilling confidence in me in the last 24 hours, the other thread with the seem coming apart lol...

Mmmmm, I did contemplate the RST Leathers, look good... but this doubt in my head now... still think Frank Thomas is looking a possible... although not fussy on teh knee sliders... I'll never get that low lol.

This and these...
I bought an RST all in one waterproof suit to go over my leathers for my lessons/test & future use. It kept me bone dry & warm during a 7 hour day of lessons/riding. It's been on & off about 5 times now so to early to say for wear but for fifty quid it's paid for itself already as far as I'm concerned. :cool:
I bought an RST all in one waterproof suit to go over my leathers for my lessons/test & future use. It kept me bone dry & warm during a 7 hour day of lessons/riding. It's been on & off about 5 times now so to early to say for wear but for fifty quid it's paid for itself already as far as I'm concerned. :cool:
Linky?, been looking at water proofs myself, would they go under the seat or they more bulky?
They come with a baggy that has a belt to go round your waist or they would fit under your seat, The baggy is a complete head ****, I tried to get it back in Honest I did. :( + :p
Got them from Drayton Croft. It's the top set with the Yellow down it.
Man yellow, I'm am I literally turning into bananaman lol... that yellow, looks and description is florescent... is it reflective at night? They 100% dry like, not a bad price that £49 notes...
100% dry & fully tested for 7 hours non stop sat on an ER5 doing my lessons. Only thing that happens is when you stop & open the zip a gush of warm air comes out, Up to you whether that gush smells nice or not. :D

The yellow isn't to bright & Be seen Be safe & all that. :cool:
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