need urgent advice please

30 Sep 2006
Midlands, UK
Hi all,
so i've been tasked with the following.....

guy at work wants to do a walkthrough presentation to a client. He wants to give them the presentation on an ipad that ONLY HE can control when the slides are changed. So the client holding the ipad cannot get ahead of themselves and flick through the slideshow as it's a walkaround presentation where our guy controls what slide is shown when they walk into certain rooms.
Now, i know we can put an app on his iphone to remotely control the slideshow, but anyone know how to effectively lock the screen so it can ONLY be changed remotely?

Got to have a solution in place for Tuesday 3rd Dec.

Thanks for any help offered.
Actually found out that ios7.0.4 has guided access which seems to do the trick for locking down the ipad.
Now all i need is an app for the iphone that will allow me to control the slideshow on the ipad.

Any advice please?
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