Need your help... *IDEA INSIDE*

11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
I'm on a bit of a "get all your ideas out and do something with them" blast at the moment, and one of them is an application for mobile device.

How is that anything to do with La Cuisine? I hear you shouting!

Well, the app is as follows:

How often do you find when you're cooking a meal, you want to eat for (say) 6pm, and yet you're scrambling around juggling lots of pans, knives and stuff trying to get it all cooked in time for 6pm, and all ready at the same time?

Well, I find this, a lot.

This is my solution:

You go to your app, called TYM (Timing Your Meals) and your front page gives you a time picker. You're asked: When are you planning on eating? You enter the time and click "Next"
The second page has 2 columns of fields, first being "Items" which would be like "peel veg" "Cook Meat" etc etc. The second being the time taken to do these things. (You would type in there 10mins, but it would do a -10 in the background to work out when you need to do it etc.)
You can also link items, giving the dependency, so you can't start cook veg until you've peeled it, make sense?

Maybe on that page, or the next you can choose whether to set alarms for these points, too. You click "Show me my plan" or your submit button and it gives you a little "gannt" chart of what needs doing when. The bonus being the alarms, popping up saying "peel potatoes" etc in the standard alarm dialogue.

A further feature, that would be really neat would be the ability to look up a recipe through your browser, and have it an option to "open in TYM" where it will take the recipe points and translate that in to a plan on when what needs doing for your chosen meal time.

Now, the first is pretty easy. Easy in the sense it's just maths, really and linking items. I was going to attempt to teach myself this as I work in IT, but I am a SharePoint consultant, and I do a lot of front end translating business processes to systems, but figured someone with exp could do it quicker and in a better way.
The second part is more complicated, but could be a really really neat feature that I could see being the USP.

Do you know anything that exists like this? What do you think of it?

I've got some quotes for it to be made up and I'm just going through all of this now to work out a full feature list and specification, but would appreciate other people's thoughts outside of my own head!

I go to the cupboard pull out what I fancy, prep it cook it and eat it, I like to keep things simple. :D
Wouldn't it be great to intergrate this with a smart fridge / cupboard that knows what you have in and how much and you just put

10 minutes
For 2
I fancy meat but no carbs
Thanks, good feedback.

It would obviously not work for your knock together stuff on an evening, but for planned meals?

What about if you could barcode scan the items and it did that working out for you?

I'm on a brainstorming stint! :p
It is a good idea. I find myself scribbling down the timings on paper when I have to do it. This is normally when preparing a big meal with guests or something like Christmas Dinner.

I need to know x time to prep plus y time to cook and when to put thing in and when they will be ready.
When preparing an 'involved' meal, I do exactly what your App is proposing. Albeit with a pen and paper. It's quicker, you don't need to worry about getting splashes on your phone and I'd imagine it's easier to change rather than on your phone.

Randomshenans. I'm out.
There's quite a variation in the speed at which people work in the kitchen (chopping etc.) how would the app take that into account?
I'm on a bit of a "get all your ideas out and do something with them" blast at the moment, and one of them is an application for mobile device.

How is that anything to do with La Cuisine? I hear you shouting!

Well, the app is as follows:

How often do you find when you're cooking a meal, you want to eat for (say) 6pm, and yet you're scrambling around juggling lots of pans, knives and stuff trying to get it all cooked in time for 6pm, and all ready at the same time?

Well, I find this, a lot.

This is my solution:

You go to your app, called TYM (Timing Your Meals) and your front page gives you a time picker. You're asked: When are you planning on eating? You enter the time and click "Next"
The second page has 2 columns of fields, first being "Items" which would be like "peel veg" "Cook Meat" etc etc. The second being the time taken to do these things. (You would type in there 10mins, but it would do a -10 in the background to work out when you need to do it etc.)
You can also link items, giving the dependency, so you can't start cook veg until you've peeled it, make sense?

Maybe on that page, or the next you can choose whether to set alarms for these points, too. You click "Show me my plan" or your submit button and it gives you a little "gannt" chart of what needs doing when. The bonus being the alarms, popping up saying "peel potatoes" etc in the standard alarm dialogue.

A further feature, that would be really neat would be the ability to look up a recipe through your browser, and have it an option to "open in TYM" where it will take the recipe points and translate that in to a plan on when what needs doing for your chosen meal time.

Now, the first is pretty easy. Easy in the sense it's just maths, really and linking items. I was going to attempt to teach myself this as I work in IT, but I am a SharePoint consultant, and I do a lot of front end translating business processes to systems, but figured someone with exp could do it quicker and in a better way.
The second part is more complicated, but could be a really really neat feature that I could see being the USP.

Do you know anything that exists like this? What do you think of it?

I've got some quotes for it to be made up and I'm just going through all of this now to work out a full feature list and specification, but would appreciate other people's thoughts outside of my own head!


The thing is there is way too much variance in the timings . How long does "peel veg" take. Depends what veg, how much, how it is to be prepared and the speed of the person. Therefore you could never never automate that and in the end you just end up with what a good recipe will tel you "30 min prep, 50 min cooking + 5 minutes to rest"
It's not something I would use myself as a chef, as my timing is already perfect. ;)

I would think it would only work for the home cook, if it combined your idea with a library of pre-designed recipes. Retain the ability to create new recipes, and provide a way to upload your recipes and download others users as well.
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