Needing a little help

15 Nov 2010
Hey guys, trying to decide on a bike. I decided that I'd go with either a CG125 or YBR125 but because of the situation I'm in it'll be family paying for it and me paying back after starting work in a few weeks.

Anyway, family member #1 told me about another family member who runs Saltiresusuki and would rather that they made the choice called and he was on holiday but a sales person suggested a SYM XS125K for £1699 new.

I haven't heard of SYM before but I really don't have much knowledge of bikes but they did say they had some connection with Honda "It wont fall to bits"

Also, an offer only available on SYM purchases was that, the price you paid for the bike new would go towards your next bike when you wanted something bigger minus wear and tear his example, 4000 miles would be minus £100 or so.

Anyway yeah, what do you guys think?

Another question! Bike is available for a £100 deposit does this mean in my possession or just reserved? I asked but I was a bit confused by answer derp :)
Also, an offer only available on SYM purchases was that, the price you paid for the bike new would go towards your next bike when you wanted something bigger minus wear and tear his example, 4000 miles would be minus £100 or so.

That sounds a bit fishy to me, how would they make any money off of it?

Personally I'd avoid the Chinese bikes but each to their own. I did a quick google of it and the first result (MCN) had new ones from dealers for £1495 or used ones (500 miles) for around the £1100 mark. Depending on what you intend to use the bike for I wouldn't buy a 125 brand new, they lose a lot of value as soon as you roll it out the shop but second hand ones can hold their value if you take care of them (I made money off my 125 after putting 6k miles on it).
The SYM is Taiwanese, that said they are known for being heavy with fairly poor handling.

From Saltire's site:
Saltire will give you the price you paid for it, less conditioning costs.
Conditioning costs are anything that is required to bring the bike up to the standard it was in when you bought it.

:rolleyes: Rust, stone chips, wear.. You'd be better off selling it private for half price by the time they added up the cost of replacement parts.
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Hey guys, of these two bikes would you consider either of them to be a good buy?

The counter being broken on the CG, is that gonna be difficult to fix?

I brought an SR as a cheap run about around the same price after I passed my CBT. Was a great little bike, handled well, had good mpg and sat quite happily at 70.

The SR you've listed there looks in pretty good nick compared the one I got for around the same money. They look to have covered up the rust on the downpipes with a coat of paint though (minor thing as long as it's not leaking).

I'd go and have a look at the SR though, check for oil leaks around the fork seals (push the front down and check for moisture when the fork comes back out) and oil leaks on the rear shocks. listen for rattles when the engine is running and put your hand over the rear exhaust (pref with bike glove on) and listen for escaping gasses. Also as they're very popular training school bikes check for bent bars/frame/forks.

With those two adverts I'd go for the SR over the CG though (mainly after owning one myself), it's a lot newer as that looks like an 80's CG rather then a 2000 model in the description.
Hey again, well I've been doing a bit more looking and also have a little more to spend. I'm trying to find bikes that are a little closer to me as I'll be asking a friend to pick it up for me.

Anyway, I've found this YBR

I called the person up to see if the bike is still available (a lot of the adverts don't seem to have been taken down once a bike has been sold) When I asked about the MOT he said that he's listed it has having 12 months left as he got it in November 2010 and he said something about it not needing to go for one since the bike wasn't 3 years old yet? but when he said that he didn't seem too sure.

Anyway, he's back on Sunday and he's going to put up a few more pictures and we're gonna talk and arrange a day to meet.

Do you guys think it's a decent buy?

Thanks again.
He's right any new vehicle doesn't need an MOT for the first 3 years. As to your other link I wouldn't touch a 125 with 30,000 on the clock.
I called the person up to see if the bike is still available (a lot of the adverts don't seem to have been taken down once a bike has been sold) When I asked about the MOT he said that he's listed it has having 12 months left as he got it in November 2010 and he said something about it not needing to go for one since the bike wasn't 3 years old yet? but when he said that he didn't seem too sure.
A vehicle only needs an MOT when it gets to three years old. So it's still good for another year.

Do you guys think it's a decent buy?
Depends on the condition really. Find out as much as you can. They're fairly bulletproof, reliability-wise, so unless it's had some major abuse then it ought to be OK.
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