Needing secure cloud storage

10 Apr 2018
Sorry if this is the wrong sub-forum, wasn't quite sure where to post this. I got a work problem I was hoping someone more in the know would be able to help with.

I do a lot of work for a few clients and have a lot of reports to issue. I would like to be able to upload all the reports to a secure cloud service such as DropBox Business, and then just authorise the client to read and download their respective reports.

Only thing is, it's not the most professional sending them a dropbox link every time or getting them to log into dropbox directly. I would rather have a dropbox login portal on my website where the client could log in and then the next page would take them to the shared folder for that account (ideally a shell where my company logo would still be on the top of the page but a redirect to the dropbox site would also be acceptable).

Is this something that can be done by dropbox or some other secure cloud service?
Do you want someone to host it for you, or are you happy to self host?
My company already has a website up, so I'd be looking just to have a login portal or some sort of shell on my site. I would rather the files themselves are hosted by a reputable company like DropBox as security and confidentiality of these files are very important.

I'll need to read up some since I'm not a developer or programmer but at first glance, I'm not entirely sure if OAuth2 is what I'm looking for. Users I authorise will be accessing my shared folders with read only rights, I'm not wanting an app that can be given access to read their dropbox. But like I said, need to read some more on it.

Basically I just want a Dropbox Login portal on my website then it can redirect to the DB page or run a "browser-in-browser" sort of thing, where the "outer" browser will be my website and the inner DB. Wish I knew the correct terminology for what I'm wanting, I'm doing a pretty poor job of explaining it :(
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