Neighbour died suddenly

3 Jan 2006
All along the watchtower
I don't know, ambulance outside the house this morning, found out Jim next door had a heart attack and died. Fairly active bloke, had a hip replacement recently and just seemed to be getting back to playing tennis. Lovely wife and grown up kids, must have been a massive shock to them. He was 60 I guess give or take a couple of years, it's a shame,

Don't sweat the small stuff everyone.

RIP Jim,
Very sad indeed.

My neighbour passed away just after Christmas. Unfortunately he decided to take his own life. :( He used the loft hatch, I'm sure you can guess how he did it.
Sorry for yours, theirs and your road's loss mate. We build little communities with the people we're adjacent to.

We lost a chap from our road this year, went into hospital over Xmas with Covid. He was immunocompromised as a result of his MS treatment, never came home. The guy had been through hell the last 5 years with various treatments, 2 young kids same age as ours and an amazing wife who is the proverbial glue that binds.

Despite all of his hardships and endurance, he was the loveliest guy with the best outlook on life you could ever hope to meet. I'm angry that he had to die in his 40s and leave his family with such a gap in their lives, yet in some ways I'm slightly relieved that he won't have to suffer the later stages of MS, but mostly I'm thankful that his short time here left an indelible mark on so many - and I'm just a neighbour from 4 doors down.
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My mumma told me life was like a box of chocolates and you can die just like that, snaps

Yep RIP Jim. Lost my dad suddenly. Not much fun. I hope I get a warning to make my peace and feed the cats so they don't chew my face off.

Happy Friday everyone. Enjoy it like it's your last...., :P
I realise the tv connection, I truly didn't mean it, he is my neighbour and his name was/is Jim.

As he was relatively young and at home it must have been awful for the family.
He's got a small motor home he bought a few months ago parked on the drive. He and his wife must have been planning a few things for the spring and summer.
He's probably spent most of his life saving for retirement.

Such a shame
My previous neighbour passed away around October last year from covid. He left his wife and two young daughters behind. It hit me a lot harder than I was expecting, kindest guy you could ever meet, a real proud family man. We moved house shortly after but while I was there, it felt wrong being outside washing my car for him to not appear and come for a chat as he was super passionate about cars.
My brother passed away at 39 from SADS in October, it's crazy as he'd run the London marathon a couple of weeks before, he was supremely fit and had an Ironman and Everest Mountain Marathon under his belt in the last few years too.
As you can imagine it's left a massive hole in my life, he was the only relative who lived in London and we spent a lot more time together over the last couple of years due to COVID and being in a bubble together.
I now have his Border Terrier puppy that he only got weeks before, the little lad is going to be the most spoilt dog and means the world to me.

Don't take for granted the limited time you have with your loved ones as it may be more limited than you think!
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I've had a few people I know die around that age recently, the latest a work colleague aged 61. As you say, life is short and very unpredictable. Some people still seem to waste it arguing with strangers on the internet though!
Me, handed my notice in at work today, 57 next month and taking early retirement.
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