Neighbour wants to build a wall

24 Oct 2002
Manchester City Centre
So my neighbour wants to build a wall which goes between our properties back gardens to replace an old fence.

He's checked and that boundrey is his apparently which I've no reason to doubt but is worth double checking. He's doing it at his cost. Now I've no problem with this, it's one less thing to paint! But what questions should I be asking. He mentioned something about his cousin doing it so want to make sure they do it right etc. Can I insist on getting it safety checked or something or is he free to do want he likes as its on his property?

Also he mentioned that it had to be under 6ft or something but his garden is higher than ours so is that 6ft on his side or mine?

Thanks I'll take a look, going to try and dig them out if not it's 30quid online to get copies.

My brother in law's a jack of all trades so I might ask him to come round as the only thing I'm bothered about is location and safety as I've got a dog and child on the way.

What's a reasonable amount of time to allow in removing the old fence, concrete foundations then laying a 10metre long wall?

With having a dog I don't want the garden out of action for too long but obviously want to be realistic.

10m not 30m

Whilst true Lopez I'm pretty sure you can't just tear down a fence and leave it like that with no consideration. We're on good term so I'm sure he won't. I just don't want it going on for x amount of weekends as its a friend whose doing it for him.
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