Neighbours want to close road for party - can I still drive on it?

12 Feb 2006
Just found out from partner that neighbours want to close our road for the jubilee celebrations. Not real issue, but I'm at the end of a long cul de sac, with not only a higher than average priced vehicle that I wouldn't want to leave so far away on a busy/over parked road that I assume will include all their vehicles too, but I also have plans to go kayaking, biking, building work over this 4 day weekend so do need access.

Can I still drive down the road? I don't know their intentions yet, but during the first lock down they had a party with tables etc all out in the street so it'll put me in an awkward position to be driving up and down.

I don't know the dates yet but I'm under the impression this is for the 4 days that the road is closed.
Going to be lots of people in the same situation but really it comes down to what they have planned, how much of a nuisance you'll cause by driving through and if you care about upsetting your neighbours.
If they've applied to the council and have a Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order then use of vehicles is prohibited except in limited circumstances, emergency vehicles for example.

Your council may have a list on their website of which roads are officially closed on which dates.
If they've applied to the council and have a Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order then use of vehicles is prohibited except in limited circumstances, emergency vehicles for example.

Your council may have a list on their website of which roads are officially closed on which dates.
If they haven't, then you can crack on.
Good innit :cry: :cry: :cry:
I mean don't get me wrong, a lot of us on here care about our cars but either leave the higher than average priced vehicle on the drive whilst your neighbours have a shindig or find somewhere local and just let them have a couple of days of fun
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