NeilC's Photography Thread

3 Aug 2014
Wicklow, Ireland
Hey all,

Been reading these forums and buying things from Overclocker's for years but never got round to making a forum account and posting... so I thought I'd just jump straight in at the deep end and make my own photo thread :)

I've always loved photography but only really started to get into myself in July 2013 when I brought my first DSLR a Nikon D600. Since then I've been learning as much as I can and trying to put it into practice but still have so much to learn. I currently have the Nikon 24-70mm & 70-200mm 2.8 lenses. Landscapes, seascapes and long exposures seems to be my thing and fits in nicely with my other interests, hiking and exploring.

I look forward to sharing my work and chatting with you guys over the coming months, here's a few to get started :)

Moody Blue Kirkjufell
by Neil Corrigan Photography, on Flickr

Glem of Imaal, sunset.
by Neil Corrigan Photography, on Flickr

Kippure Sunset
by Neil Corrigan Photography, on Flickr

April Sunrise
by Neil Corrigan Photography, on Flickr

Looking back along the Glenmalur Valley
by Neil Corrigan Photography, on Flickr
Thanks guys, you get a different perspective once other people start to comment on your work, should have done this months ago.

Looking back now at #1 I think it deserved better processing, it was shot in the rain and there were quite a few big rain spots on the photo. You can see by the uneven shading in the water and the sky my attempts to get rid of these. The ND filter gave it the blue tint, I messed around with getting rid of it but it summed up the mood better left as it was, though the original blue tint actually seems to look better now. I'm probably still in the phase where I over process things, it will be a fun image to revisit 6-12 months down the line when my processing skills improve.

#5 was one of those lucky ones, right place right time.
I originally planned to go and shoot the sunset for this first one, everything was perfect. The sun was out and there was not a cloud in the sky. I hiked up on to the hills in the middle left of the picture with all my gear and the sun was due to set right in the center of the valley way off around the corner to the right. Not a cloud in the sky.... except for when I finally reached my destination at the top of the hill only to find one patch of clouds, exactly where the sun was setting.... I didn't get the shot I was after :mad:

Luckily on the way back the car I came across this scene so it was worth the trip after all :cool:

Glendalough Twilight
by Neil Corrigan Photography, on Flickr

Camped out overnight as I wanted to be up for sunrise in a particular location, there's no way I'd be up if I was sleeping in my own bed ;) Woke up and the sky was amazing it took a lot longer than expected to reach my destination on this occasion :)

Wicklow Hills
by Neil Corrigan Photography, on Flickr

Visited the French Alps at the worst time this year, one of the wettest summers on record for July/August. Was kinda disappointed at first as I couldn't take the pictures I wanted, but eventually I started to enjoy the challenge of looking for shots through the clouds :)

Cloudy Tree Tops
by Neil Corrigan Photography, on Flickr
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