Nerdl - Numeric Version of Wordl (NO SPOILERS OR HINTS)

20 May 2007
Location: Location:
Following on from the successful Wordl thread - have you tried the numeric version ?

Been playing it for a few days and similar, but very different - post up your thoughts and daily achievements in here


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Just tried it, I got it in 4. Interesting concept, but don't think I'd bother playing again. Part of the fun of Wordle, for me, is trying to get a really low score. With Nerdle it's unrealistic you'd ever get it in one or two.
Far too many brain cells needed for this - fun of wordle is it's something I do during morning coffee to wake me up a bit without hurting my head, this however would just put me in an immediate bad mood :D
  • There are 8 “letters”
  • A “letter” is one of "0123456789+-*/="
  • And a word must be a calculation that is mathematically correct. So it must have one “=”
  • Also, the number on the right of the “=” is just a number (not another calculation)
  • Standard order of operations applies, so calculate * and / before + and -
  • Order matters in nerdle. If the answer we’re looking for is 10+20=30, then 20+10=30 isn’t close enough.

**** that.
Ha ha - I hated it the first one almost had me not playing again.

I'm glad I persisted but get it's not for everyone
Tried it for the first time today really enjoyed it, good way to get the brain going in the morning

Looks like I got lucky on my first guess with few greens

Nerdle 16 3/6

. With Nerdle it's unrealistic you'd ever get it in one or two.

Getting it in one or two in wordle is mostly down to luck anyway so I'm not sure that is something worth pursuing (I mean getting it in one is 100% luck..).
Just tried it, I got it in 4. Interesting concept, but don't think I'd bother playing again. Part of the fun of Wordle, for me, is trying to get a really low score. With Nerdle it's unrealistic you'd ever get it in one or two.
I don't know why, but with wordle my aim is to get it as quick as possible, rather than as few guesses as possible.
That was quite good fun.


As with all these. Your guesses early on make a massive difference. There is skill in it but to get a low score its quite a lot of luck.
Just tried it, I got it in 4. Interesting concept, but don't think I'd bother playing again. Part of the fun of Wordle, for me, is trying to get a really low score. With Nerdle it's unrealistic you'd ever get it in one or two.
same in worldle, you have 1 in 2500 chance of guessing in 1 move
Are these words common words?

e.g. I imagine the statistical probability is far greater that someone would choose the word "acorn" over "auxin".

From an article about the game

The developers wife sorted through those 12,000 or so words, designating whether or not she knew them. That narrowed down the list of Wordle words to about 2,500
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