Nero 7 problem

5 Apr 2004
Weird one this...

Been using Nero for a week or two now and it seemed to be working fine, but when trying to burn a couple of albums to listen to in my car today (as audio cd) it didn't seem to like a couple of MP3s when adding them. I got a message:

One or more files could not be added to the compilation.

It may be possible for the files to be added if a dedicated plug-in is installed.
I was just adding whole albums as MP3 at a time and all the other tracks were added ok.

I don't really get it as it likes 99% of the MP3s I added, just not a certain few. Their names aren't too long, files not that big and they play fine on my PC so not corrupt either.

Any ideas? Are there plug-ins you can get for Nero?
Ahh well, got my hopes up there. I found a file with some plugins for Nero 7 but it doesn't seem to have worked, still same error message.

Why would it need a plug-in for random MP3s though? There's nothing special about them as far as I can see.
Not got any other burning software, never had the need until now to be honest. What would you suggest other than Nero?

I think the plug-ins in the link are the ones I tried, and the site wouldn't let me download anyway.
Almost sounds to me like the files have been encoded in a non-standard way. Did you rip all of these files using the same settings?
Also, have you been playing with the ID3 tags? (I'm thinking that maybe Nero can't handle something coming up in the tag, dissalowed characters or excessive length?)

Yeah I've still got my old v6.x which I've put back on for now and works fine with MP3s. Problem is, I upgraded to v7 as 6 kept crashing when adding large files to compilations.

I can't win here... :rolleyes:
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