Nervous in corners

13 May 2003
I keep thinking I'm gonna lowside my bike round bends, I'm completely paranoid about it to the point I'm on edge every time I go round something that is any tighter than a long sweeping bend.

I do not have a powerful bike (125) and I've got almost new Michelin Pilot Street tyres front and back with correct tyre pressure. There's nothing about the way my bike particularly behaves that makes me worry.

Are you ultra careful and cautious especially in this weather, taking each bend like a completely wimp, or am I underestimating the grip my bike has? What are the classic causes of lowside accidents?
Cheers guys. I'm not a gibbering wreck or anything, I just don't know how fast I can take corners without low-siding. 40mph? 50mph? 60mph? Obviously it depends on the corner, but most corners I feel I slow down for far too much as any lean and I'm expecting my shoulder to be on the tarmac.
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