.Net an Timers

10 Jul 2006
Just wanted to make sure I got my understanding correct.

If I have a single threaded application with 100 Timers (with an interval of 10seconds) in it, all using the same Elapsed event handler which takes 5 seconds to run the routine of. Essentially meaning there will be many timers running the same code at the same time.

It is my understanding that when a Timer elapses, its event handler is run on ANY thread in the Thread Pool of the .NET RUNTIME (not just the application).

What determines the thread pool size of the .NET runtime or does it grow if needs be.
Sorry, what I meant was the number of Threads in the pool, not the size of the pool.

Because if I have only one single threaded .NET application running, surely there is only one thread and all the timers will elapse on that single thread.
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