Net comes to a 10 minute halt when uTorrent is loaded

18 Oct 2002
The Darkside
I'm using uTorrent and each time, I load uTorrent up, I more or less loose internet connection as nothing loads and I have to wait 5-10+ minutes before I can do anything with the net.

Its nothing to do with my bandwidth being maxed out for I might only be uploading 5k/s and dl 10k/s so plenty of bandwidth.

Its whatever uTorrent does when its loaded each time that causes the problem.

Is there any particular settings I should have in place such as number of connections etc? A pain in the backside it is and I don't want to use any other client as uTorrent is the best one I've used except for the this problem.

Thanks for any help.
My Global maximum number of connections is set to 250 and the Maximum number of connected peers per torrent is set to 90.

Is it the 250 I change cause thats the only reference in uTorrent to do with connections.
Doesn't it have a setting to specify the number of connections it is allowed to make per second? Azureus does :confused:

The maximum number of connections is unrelated.

BTW, check your Event Viewer to see if the the 4226 event is occuring. If it is then we're on the right track...
uTorrent does have an ability to set the number of half-open connections, it's in the advanced options under net.max_halfopen.

If you've patched your system with the patch above then you can increase the limit to make you connect to peers a lot quicker.
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