[.NET] Progress Bars + Timers

12 Jun 2005
Hi there,

I am waiting to use one of the progress bar objects to show how much complete the web browser has loaded and also how much complete the commands are when a certain button is pushed.

Also I have some text which appears and i want it to dissapear after a set time.

I am doing VB.NET but i am sure it will be pretty similar for all the .NETS

How would i do these, or does anyone have a web tutorial for these?

Ok, I have decided to scratch the whole progress Bar idea, but i still need help on the text bit.

How do i do it so i set the text of a label, then after 5 seconds it sets the text of the label to null.
How would i make ssure something completes its task before it moves on?

Basically I need a web drowser to load the page before it moves onto the next command?

how would i do this?

Could you do this as it does not appear to work for me:

            Do While Not Web.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete
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