Hello lads.
The user "peterattheboro" recently made a post suggesting a user check out http://www.netsoccer.biz .
It's a very simple, free online football game. It's a great laugh to be honest. Someone suggested making an OCUK team (you can create a team then play other ready defined teams) for it but I don't think the thread got much attention. I'm hoping by making this thread I'll attract everyone who is up for it and hopefully they will express interest in the team.
Even if we don't get enough for a full team, perhaps we could just play together. It's excellent fun to play but if you played as a team it'd be much more fun. At the moment you have a lot of people being glory hogs and simply not passing even though the chance of them scoring is minimal. Gets a little annoying sometimes.
So, who is up for it
The user "peterattheboro" recently made a post suggesting a user check out http://www.netsoccer.biz .
It's a very simple, free online football game. It's a great laugh to be honest. Someone suggested making an OCUK team (you can create a team then play other ready defined teams) for it but I don't think the thread got much attention. I'm hoping by making this thread I'll attract everyone who is up for it and hopefully they will express interest in the team.
Even if we don't get enough for a full team, perhaps we could just play together. It's excellent fun to play but if you played as a team it'd be much more fun. At the moment you have a lot of people being glory hogs and simply not passing even though the chance of them scoring is minimal. Gets a little annoying sometimes.
So, who is up for it