Yup, just been released
Now 64 bit so more everything and usual hardware upgrades such as more power processors, more memory. main features worth noting:
Largest array now peaks at 960 drives capacity.
SSD Flash drives: One flash drive = the performance of 30 x 15k spindles.
Benchmark of 99.999% availability, same as the other ranges.
Both FC and iSCSI in the same box. Now has Ultraflex where you can add these ports as you feel the need. Also means as new technology is released (10Gb Ethernet or 8Gb FC for example) you can add these to the array.
Loads more like Thin Provisioning, policy based drive spin down to save power, integration with VMWare Site Recovery Manager, adpative cooling, etc.
There will be upgrade paths. As you might know Von you can upgrade your CX600 to a CX3 Clariion and then likely to a CX4, however it's probably best to start fresh for maintenance cost reasons - but this just shows there is always a strong upgrade path.
All on top of the usual stuff such as replication, clones, virtual lun, etc.