NetBeans 5.5 java help

8 Jan 2005
well ive started my computing degree and im stuck.....

I do most of the programming on my mac using the built in java but now we've got some work to be done on netbeans using the elements package

Ive installed Netbeans 5.5 but the instructions we've got are for the old net beans.

I need to know how to mount the java elements package onto netbeans file system.

Thanks for your help!
I found the easiest way to include a package into NetBeans 5.5 was to first create a project to hold your code (rather than using the default project).

Then, in the Project window, right click on the project node in the tree and select Properties. In the tree on the right of this screen click on the Libraries node. This then displays fields so you can import a package, jar etc. into the Project.

I never had much luck using the ClassPath variable with NetBeans, and I seem to remember that a previous version of NetBeans didn't use it.

Hope that helps.

thanks for the help. did end up getting it to work on net beans but got that frustraited with the darn interface i ended up messing about and got it working on the mac

If anyone needs to know how to put elements onto the mac java just give me a shout.

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